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Pin Clamp Cylinder Lateral Compact Type C(L)KQ32-X3445

Air Cylinders » Clamp Cylinders
    ・Lateral Compact Type
    ・Compact: Overall length: 94 mm shorter (183mm→89mm)
    ・Lightweight: Weight: 38% reduction (900g→560g)
     ∗ Compared with the existing product CKQG32-X2081, LOW type, without
    ・Lock mechanism to prevent the dropping of workpieces during
     emergency stops
    ・Various clamp arm positions and port positions are available.
    ・Mountable on 2 surfaces
TypeSeriesGuide pin shapeBore size(mm)
Lateral Compact Type
Without lock
CKQ32-X3445Round type
Diamond type
Lateral Compact Type
With lock
CLKQ32-X3445Round type
Diamond type

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